Hello from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Bayswater

All of us are members of God’s family - the universal church. It means everyone who has faith in Jesus and been made alive by the Spirit are members of the worldwide family of God. And so, all Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. The church is also a local community - your “immediate family.” Active participation in the life of a local church is a sign that we are part of the universal church.

What does it look like to belong to a local church family? Belonging to a local church means calling that church ‘home’ and taking ownership to ensure the health and growth of those in your church family. The phrase we use for this is church membership. It is through the Sacrament of Baptism that one becomes a member of the church and we are prompted to take part in the mission of Jesus.

Membership in a church family is not like membership in a club or a gym, where you come and go as you please. Rather, it is like belonging to your own home. In fact, membership in a local church family begins with a two-way promise made between you and the rest of the church family, a promise to fulfil the commands of God. For example, you and your church family promise to “be devoted to one another” (Rom. 12:10), to “serve one another” (Gal. 5:13), to “carry one another’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2), to “teach and admonish one another” (Col. 3:16), to “encourage one another daily” (Heb. 3:13), to “spur one another on to love and good works” (Heb. 10:24), and to “obey your leaders” in the church and “submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls” (Heb. 13:17).

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Parish, Bayswater is a local church and is one of the loveliest parishes in the area. We offer a variety of avenues for involvement in Church life and ministry. As a Parish, we are committed to providing pastoral care which nourishes faith in action. So we are called a community to build a Church that is caringfor one another, nourishing faith and that reaches out to those beyond our parish family. This parish website gives up-to-date information about the life of the parish and outlines opportunities for you to become more involved in the life of our parish community. We all have our different talents and abilities by which we can make a contribution to the mission of the Church. If you come across an area that appeals to you do not wait to come on board to be more informed or involved. Please contact the person concerned or the parish office.

I invite you to browse this website and welcome you warmly to visit us some time and to get to know our parish first hand.  

Vision Statement

Our parish be a faith-filled, caring and sharing community that will actively embrace multiculturalism and team building; reaching out to joyfully demonstrate God’s love to the wider society.

Mission Statement

That our parish hold spiritual and social programmes to cater to all levels and interests of parishioners, drawing in toddlers, youth and the young, new and elderly families into its orbit.

Primary School

Primary School